Thursday 2 August 2012

How to access all the Blogs

If you enjoy reading the Blogs here on Blogger you can also catch up with everything that I am doing on my website.

It also tells you all about my work as a Clinical Hypnotherapist.
Hypnotherapy is an incredible way to help people to lose weight, stop smoking and overcome their fears and phobias. I also work with many clients who wish to reduce stress levels and even pain reduction.

There is much more information on the website and I always offer clients a free initial consultation too.

mark powlett hypnotherapist. Hypnotherapy and hypnosis in Warwickshire for weight loss smoking cessation fears and phobias.

The Feelgood Factor

Can you possibly cast your mind back just a few weeks to before the Olympics began?

Sometimes as a country we are a little guilty of can I put this..negative. You may blame the media, certainly the tabloids seem to enjoy gloating about how bad things are.
No one can deny that this summer has had some of the worst weather that anyone can remember and it's true to say that the weather affects all of our moods. Despite that though the mood of a nation has lifted since the Olympic opening ceremony.

Watched by nearly twenty seven million people in the UK, and many millions more around the world it lifted all of our spirits. It was a celebration of what it means to be British and contained more wonderful music and great humour than any other ceremony that I have ever seen.  It was inspiring.

Danny Boyle may have had the media rounding on him ready to complain about what he was doing but they, like the rest of us, were enthralled by what he, and the great team he worked with, created.
olympics-opening ceremony rings bradley wiggins medal winner 
Who will ever forget the forging of the Olympic rings in steel, the Queen talking to James Bond and jumping out of a helicopter and even Mr Bean playing chariots of fire. I loved the fact that rather than just go for spectacle Danny Boyle chose to have one man playing one note on a keyboard and Rowan Atkinson had the world smiling and Sir Simon Rattle rattled.

Since the opening ceremony there has still been a little rain but it seems we have temporarily forgotten about it. We are all swept up in the excitement. For once the weather is not our only topic of conversation.
I have never been one to watch much sport. I much prefer to be taking part myself, but I have been as glued to the television as everyone else, willing our athletes on to medal success.
Watching Bradley Wiggings cycle his way to Gold victory, and seeing him hugging the family that he has hardly seen recently, its a tough person who doesn't find a tear of pride in their eye.
There is so much more to come and my biggest hope is that we can take some of the joy and pleasure and remember it once the Olympics and the Paralympics have ended.
Don't forget those smiles, the good will and all those feelings of pride that we have all felt this past week. It has only been a week since the opening ceremony and yet the nation has seen its level of happiness raised much like the incredible cauldron rose just last Friday.

Enjoy the rest of the entertainment, stay proud and keep smiling. It has made us all feel better.

Tuesday 31 July 2012

Smokers could find themselves with an iPad !

Mark Powlett Hypnotherapy website

This is only for you if you are a smoker...would you like a new iPad ?

OK... how could you get one then?
Just imagine that you smoke twenty cigarettes each day.
That costs roughly seven pounds a packet. This means that it costs you about fifty pounds per week.

An iPad costs a bit more than three hundred pounds

So, if you became a non-smoker and saved that money you could buy a new iPad in just seven weeks.
Already makes you think doesn't it ?  mark powlett hypnotherapy quit smoking lose weight stop fears and phobias
Of course you dont just have to think about iPads there may be other things that you desire.

You could have over two and a half THOUSAND pounds, just by saving that money for a year.
You could take a wonderful holiday in the sun lazing on an exotic beach soaking up the rays, or go off skiing in the winter snow and enjoying the off piste as well under the stars.
You could even find yourself with enough to change your home or buy a new car instead.
That doesn’t even take into account the benefits to your health. Soon, you are going to be able to taste your food and smell the flowers in your garden...and you won’t smell of cigarettes any more. Trust me your family and friends will love that !

Maybe you have children. Take a moment to imagine what a good example this sets for them...and how proud they will be of you and you of yourself.

It’s something to think about isn’t it? Many people don’t take the time to sit down and work out how much they spend on smoking and when they do it can really help to make a decision that moves them foward to a healthier and wealthier life. 

As a hypnotherapist I can’t make you give up smoking. No one can do that!  It has to be your choice. However, if you make that decision to become a non smoker.. I can really help you towards your goal. I know how well it works, because it’s how I gave up. I wanted to stop and hypnosis helped me make that change.
And of course, I'm not suggesting that becoming a non smoker is really easy! It isn't, or you would already have done it. But thinking about it in a different way is a really good start. Looking at the positives and the things that will be better could just be the little thing that helps you to make the decision.

If you want to find out more about how I could help you to make this wonderful change just click on my website below and read all about it...

Hypnotherapy for you